Okay, so we’ve all been there.

Those uncomfortable moments when someone gives you a gift but you don’t have one for them. Here’s my guide on handling the awkwardness and the four gifts you should keep stashed in case you’re hit with one of them.

  • First, is this is someone you’re going to see again this holiday season? Simple, thank them and bring the gift next time you see them. There’s no need to tell them you have something for them, it sounds forced and like the lie that it is.
  • If it’s from someone you’re not going to see again this holiday season you can send them a little gift.
surprise gifts


1. Nail polish. To jazz it up attach a  fun tag  saying “For your Mistle-Toes”

2. A bold picture frame. If you have a photo of you with the person go ahead and stick it in, if not don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with giving an empty frame.

3. A bottle of wine or wine accessory.

4. A sweet smelling candle.