Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 Articles

Cozy Cold Weather Style

Last weekend we had our first batch of actual cold weather. We spent the majority of the time inside but Sunday afternoon after naps we decided to head out on a short walk and we really bundled up. Luckily the kids both had semi appropriate clothing but this also forced me to go through our closets to purge what no longer fits and figure out what gaps we need to fill before it gets colder.

on me: sweater, leggings, jacket, beanie, combat boots

on Crosby: beanie, similar top, similar jacket, leggings, combat boots



Happy 3rd Birthday Crosby

Happy Birthday Crosby Brave! Three years ago (last night) Jeff and I were watching the Bachelor finale when I started to feel what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions. I secretly downloaded a contraction timer app and monitored them without telling him. At 3 am we headed to the hospital “just in case” and Crosby was born about seven hours later.