Showing: 11 - 15 of 15 Articles

A Peek At My Thanksgiving Table

This year I wanted to create a boho table scape for Thanksgiving. I’m not hosting, but I thought it would still be fun to pull together some pieces I already had for this. Styling a table is another fun way to be creative and dress something up. Plus I love an excuse to show off our dining room table that Jeff built. 🙂

china, napkins, napkin rings, glasses, table runner, similar pumpkins, chairs



Thanksgiving Dress Outfit Option

Messy hair, don’t care… should have been the title of this post. We were running around all morning before I took these and my hair could definitely use a brushing… oops. I’m wearing another bump-hugging dress that I love and think this outfit would be perfect for a dressier Thanksgiving. We usually keep it pretty casual on Turkey Day, but I wanted to throw out this option if you’re searching for a dress option.

duster, dress, purse c/o, booties



IKEA LATT Kid’s Table Hack

Crosby is at an age where she’s starting to dislike sitting in anything that she needs to be strapped in. Car seat, stroller, high chair etc. It’s definitely making life a little harder! We decided it was time to get her own little table, but had trouble finding one that we liked and thought would fit in with our decor. Jeff had the idea to get this $30 IKEA LATT table and DIY it into our own creation. We couldn’t be happier with how it turned out… Crosby is a huge fan too!


Dressing The Bump

I’m 17 weeks pregnant now and feel like I’ve popped! With Crosby I wasn’t visibly showing until around 22 weeks…. it happens a lot faster the second time. I also feel like time is going by sooo fast now. Like I’m going to blink and it’s going to be baby time. Trying to soak up these last months with just Crosby.

dress, necklace c/o, cardigan c/o, similar shoes

on Crosby: t-shirt, pants, shoes c/o



Free People Chunky Cardigan

And just like that it’s November. Don’t blink or it will be 2019. Over the weekend I posted an IG story wearing this outfit and got lots of questions about my chunky cardigan. It’s the Free People Sunday Morning cardigan and I purchased during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Sadly, it’s mostly sold out in this light grey color but it’s fully stocked in black here and a few other colors here.

sunglasses, tank c/o, cardigan (more colors here), jeans, shoes, similar bag

on Crosby: jumpsuit, shoes c/o
