Just spreading a little early Valentine’s Day love!

On Saturday we didn’t have any plans or anything we had to get done and I think Jeff and I were starting to get a little bored. When Crosby went down for her afternoon nap Jeff asked what I wanted to do and I couldn’t come up with anything. I decided to get ready and see what I could think of while he settled in on the couch and watched the Olympics. When I came out and told him we were going to buy some heart balloons and head to the beach he looked at me like I was crazy. Ha! But that’s just what we did and we got some fun pictures out of it.

Side note, did you know the 99 cent store is my favorite place to buy helium balloons like this? They always have a bunch of already inflated balloons around the store… some are pretty cheesy, but if you’re going around a fun holiday like V-Day there’s usually some plain heart balloons.

This was the first time Crosby has been on the sand at the beach since she really started crawling. Typing that seems crazy because she’s been crawling for about 5 months now and I take her on walks at the beach pretty often. She was so curious and every time she’d touch the sand she’d want her hands wiped off. It was really funny.

outfit details:

sunglasses c/o, sweater c/o (similar), jeans

on Crosby: bow, onesie, pants, shoes c/o,

on Jeff: sweater, pants, sunglasses

Hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading.