Showing: 41 - 50 of 113 Articles

Postpartum Must Haves


Hello! Happy Thursday! I’m slowly emerging from the newborn fog over here and wanted to do a post today sharing what’s been getting me through the last few weeks. The newborn phase is challenging and it’s one you somehow forget about as soon as it ends. Your body re-adjusts to functioning on little sleep and it takes some time to recover and get back into normal clothes. There have been a few things I’ve found to be lifesavers that I wanted to share.


Pregnancy Update: 36 Weeks

hat, sunglasses, dress, duster c/o, purse, shoes c/o

Well I’ve officially made it to 36 weeks pregnant which is considered 9 months! I still have about three and a half weeks before my official due date and I’m not so secretly hoping he stays in as long as possible. Just not too much over, ok? It’s been awhile since I gave a pregnancy update… and with the days dwindling by I figured it’s time!


Happy 2nd Birthday Crosby!

Today Crosby is two. TWO YEARS OLD! 730 days. I can’t wrap my head around how it happened so quickly. It feels like she was just born. I blinked and now she’s a toddler that’s growing and learning every day. I love watching her change, but I’m scared I’m going to wake up one day and she’s going to be 12.


Toddler Room Transition

A little over a week ago we finally bit the bullet and moved Crosby to her new room. We did it mid-sleep regression and are keeping her in the crib (for as long as she’ll let us) and so far it’s been pretty smooth. I do hesitate to even say that because babies and toddler seem to have a sixth sense… and just when you think everything is going well they throw a wrench in it for you. Fingers crossed it remains smooth!


Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day from the cutest little besties. Crosby gets more obsessed with Mackie every day so it was only fitting to do a little love day shoot with the two of them. I remember last Valentine’s Day so clearly and can’t believe it’s already been a year. Crosby was only 11 months old and we went shopping and mailed out her Bday invitations. This year we made Valentines and are going out to breakfast for heart shaped bagels. So crazy that next year I’ll have another little Valentine.


Baby Shower Dresses

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about baby shower dress inspiration and thought it would make for a fun blog post. Early on in my pregnancy I decided I wasn’t having a shower this time around. I was pregnant with Crosby exactly two years ago and was blessed with two beautiful showers for her. We have a lot we can reuse on baby boy and I’m often sent new products to try out. There’s really no need for another shower.